
Tunjukkan catatan dari 2014

Animal Specialist a.k.a Veterinarian

Hello peeps, we meet again. Yeaayy!! Remember me ?  Haha, Just kidding. So, for this entry I would to discuss with all of you about my dream career. which is.. THE VET *eyes blushing* This is so Fascinating :) Based on my knowledge, this veterinary courses are not widely developed in Malaysia as well as in United States of America and United Kingdom. This really breaks my heart a little. (T.T) But, Malaysia still also have their own educational institutes for this veterinary practices which is in Universiti Putra Nalaysia itself and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. THE HISTORY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE  The first veterinary college was founded in  Lyon , France in 1762 by  Claude Bourgelat .   According to Lupton, after observing the devastation being caused by  cattle plague   to the French herds, Bourgelat devoted his time to seeking out a remedy. This resulted in his founding a veterinary college in Lyon in 1761, from which establishment he dispatched students

Zoophobia @ Animal Phobia

Hi, Good evening and Assalamualaikum. Have you taken your dinner ? Hahaha. Me neither. Zoophobia. What is this zoophobia? Are you ever heard or think or maybe have this type of phobia?  *Whopp* *whooopp* chill everyone, no need to scared. Hahahaha This is just a phobia. Not an infected disease or what ever you think it is. Everybody actually ever felt this kind of think. Scared of height, scared of flying, scared of swimming and bla bla bla . You can list the yourself. :p So, today I would like to tell you about this syndrome of animal phobia. *Wuuuu* There is something that everybody should scared of. WHAT IS ZOOPHOBIA Zoophobia  or  animal phobia  is a class of specific phobia to particular animals, or an irrational fear or even simply dislike of any non-human animals. Examples of specific zoophobias would be  entomophobias , such as that of bees ( apiphobia ). Fears of spiders ( arachnophobia ) and snakes ( ophid

The One and Only Legend of My Life

Hello everyone. Hi Hi Hi *wave happily* Yeayy!! we meet again So, let see what should I tell you guys this time. Hmmmm.... *Ahaaa!!* Let me introduce you to this great and inspirational man. STEVE IRWIN Ever heard of him? From the last entry, I had told you about this series of 'The Crocodile Hunter' right? and Yahh!! , This man is the one who responsible about that interesting documentary. :) Unfortunately, this brilliant guy had passed away years ago. :,( Let's us know what he had done for his whole life. Stephen Robert  " Steve "  Irwin  ( 22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006 ) , nicknamed " The Crocodile Hunter ", was an Australian wildlife expert, television personality, and conservationist. The One and Only, STEVE IRWIN   Steve was born into wildlife, growing up on the Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and helping his parents at the ‘Beerwah Reptile and Fauna Park’. E

Me and Animals

Assalamualaikum and Greetings to all, Hi, meet me and my new buddy :) So this should be my first entry in this very first blog of mine. And yah! Every first thing should come with awkwardness right? Same here (T.T) I am actually struggling on what it should be my first entry for this blog. All ideas are mixed up and *pooff* now I had a headache. Urghhh!! In the end, I think maybe we should keep it simple and cool. So let’s just me introduce myself 16 th April 1996. Around 7.30 p.m. (should be Maghrib on that time) A proud mom had delivered her very first son. Named MUHAMMAD FAKHRUL RODHI BIN ZAIDI , he was well-known with his loud thundering cry and scream *Daa~ , babies never know to speak* so, he cries and continues crying. Years and years past and *Taadaaa* Here he is in this magnificent UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA KAMPUS BINTULU SARAWAK , way far away from home (T.T). With his obsession in animals and such th