Assalamualaikum.. Haaaaa....

Apa habaq orang kampungg.. Tudia haa post pertama bagi tahun 2016 

Ok, so harini nak share apa yang saya ada belajar tadi dalam masa kurang satu jam tadi bagi subjek AHP2402, Feed Tech

So, for today I've learnt about the Characteristics and Nutrient Content of Feedstuffs.
These are some synopsis of the things I learnt.

Ok, so feedstuffs can be categorized into two categories which is Concentrates and Roughages

Concentrates - includes the high energy, low fiber stuffs like grains, oil meals, molasses and dried product.

Roughages - includes the high fiber, low energy with lower palatability like hay, staws, silages etc.

From these two things, they can be divided into 8 different categories which are,

Class Description 
Dry forages and roughagesHay; straw; fodder (aerial part); stover (aerial part without ears, without husks or aerial part without heads); other products with more than 18 percent crude fibre (dry basis); HULLS
This class includes all forages and roughages cut and cured. Forages or roughages are low in net energy per unit weight, usually because of the high fibre content. Thus, such products as SEED COATS, PODS, rice BRAN, etc. are included in this group.
Pasture, range plants, and forages fed greenIncluded in this group are all forage feeds either not cut (including feeds cured on the stem) or cut and fed fresh.
SilagesThis class includes only ensiled forages (MAIZE, ALFALFA, GRASS, etc.), but not ensiled FISH, GRAIN, ROOTS and TUBERS.
Energy feedsIncluded in this group are products with less than 20 percent protein (dry basis) and less than 18 percent crude fibre (dry basis) as, for example, FISH, GRAIN, mill by-products,
Protein supplementsThis class includes products which contain 20 percent or more of protein (dry basis) from animal origin (including ensiled products) as well as oil meals, GLUTEN, etc.
Mineral supplementslimestones, mineral salts,
Vitamin supplements (including ensiled yeast)fat soluble - Vit. A, D, E and K
water soluble - riboflavin, niachine, Vit. B complex
AdditivesThis class includes further feed supplements as antibiotics, colouring materials, flavours, hormones and medicants.

and that is all for today, I hope you learn something from this entry. See ya..

Source : 


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