E-Portfolio BMY3101 - Week 4

Assalam and hi :)

This week, Dr Wan taught us a little bit about Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Transmitting Electron Microscope (TEM). Those microscope are something that were really expensive and only professionals can handle them. She promised us on wanting to take us on a field trip to see the SEM here in the UPM. I am so excited for the trip!

We also made some discussion about Taxonomy, Classification, Nomenclature and Methods of Classification. We really moved a lot in the class.

Next, we are also given a task to find one microorganism that we like for us to adopt it. We need to learn about the microbe, know its origin, how to isolate it and how to culture it. Basically, we need to know everything about the microbe that we chose or we adopt. I chose Paenibacillus vortex, a species of pattern-forming bacteria. From its name, you can know that it can form vortex or swirl structure that makes me want to know more about it. Here a some pictures of Paenibacillus vortex from courtesy of Google Image.



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