E-Portfolio BMY3201 - Experiment 6

11th October 2017

For Experiment 6, we learned on how to measure microorganism under the microscope. Basically we used an ocular micrometer, a lens with scale from 0 to 100 and stage micrometer, a slide with scale of 0.01 micrometer. The ocular micrometer was put inside one of the ocular lenses before observing. Ii get me took quite some times before I figured out on how to measure the microbes. We measured Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Serratia marcescens. Here are some pictures of the microbes under the oil immersion lens.

This is Serratia marcescens under oil immersion lens
This is Staphylococcus aureus under oil immersion lens


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