E-Portfolio: Microbiology - Week 8

November 12, 2017 

During our class with Dr. Wan this week, we learned through quizzes and games made by every group. The topic we emphasizes on is still on the internal structure of microorganisms. Here is the link for the quiz frommy group. Do try it to test you knowledge on this topic :)


On Friday, we had done discussion in groups also regarding this topic. Our group had done about Golgi apparatus. We had given a task to look for any journal regarding the organelle we pick and make a summary from the journal. This is the link to the journal : http://sci-hub.cc/http://www.jbc.org/content/270/9/4612.short 

And here is the summary of the journal from our group. 

"Giardia lambia is a parasitic protozoan that cause Giardiasis, more commenly known as beaver fever with symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. It spreads through cyst which will later germinate into tropozoite. This protozoa belongs to the earliest indentified lineage among eukaryotes therefore it offers more insight into progression from primitive to more complex eukaryote.

Morphologically identifiable Golgi complex is observed when it undergoes developmental induction of Golgi enzyme activities when it is differentiated from Giardia trophozoites to cysts.

However, prior to the induction, there is no morphological and biochemical identifiable Golgi complex exist in the non-encysting cell. 

Protein secretion of both encysting and non-encysting trophozoite can be inhibit by brefeldin A and B-COP. It resemble the secretory mechanism in higher eukaryote, the Giardia even when Golgi complex is absent in non-encysting trophozoites."

We had done endospore staining and capsule staining during our practical.

Endospore staining - We use Malachite green and safranin where the result will make the spore to be stained in green and the vegetatives cells to be in pink. 

Bacillus cereus spore under oil immersion

Capsule staining - 
Method 1 - Anthony's method using crytal violet reagent  and 20% copper sulphate solution 
Method 2 - Negative staining method using nigrosin 


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