E-Portfolio: Microbiology - Week 9

Assalam and hi!

Here is the new post for this week. 

This week, we learned on Fungi, one of the eukaryotes that has its kingdom. On Wednesday, our group had a discussion with our seniors who were taking Mycology class this semester. Our group discussed on Phaffia rhodozyma. Phaffia rhodozyma is a fungi from Basidiomycota group that is known for its astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is widely used in aquaculture especially to enhance the red pigment of salmon and trouts. 

During our lab session this week, we had done our practical on nutritional requirements of several species of microbes. We used different type of broth and agar plate to culture the microorganisms. The results are quite fascinating as you see the same species of microorganism can produce beautiful colony on different cultures. 
Different type of agar plates with different species of microorganisms. 

E. coli colony with green sheen pigmentation on Eosin-methylene blue agar plate. 


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