E-Portfolio Microbiology II Week 6

This week, we had a visit to Yakult Factory at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. After finishing our lab session on the morning, we straight away rode the bus for one hour trip to Seremban. I personally enjoyed the trip so much as I talked so much during the trip. Oh my goodness, I think others are starting to get annoyed of me lol. Back to the trip, we reached the factory around 2.30pm where we meet Sis Yakult as our instructor. She brought us into the factory and walked us through the processes that happened before a bottle of yakult is placed in the fridge. There are milk procession room, microbiology laboratory, chiller and packaging machines where all the yakult culture milk have to go through. We are not allowed to take photos during the visiting session. The most interesting part of the visit is that we all get one bottle of free yakult milk for free. Yes!!! The culture drinks is so delicious and contain lots of good bacteria which is Lactobacillus casei  


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