
E-Portfolio Microbiology II Week 11

Hellooooooo Okay how to start this ? This week is actually the week for my Pecha Kucha presentation. I was so nervous and excited on presenting my topics. So, I  was given the topic of "Application of Microorganisms in Food". I chose Lactobacillus acidophilus as a probiotic bacteria used widely in yogurt for our digestion.  Basically, I talk on the origin of this bacteria and how Eli Metchnikoff discovered the benefits of this lactic acid producing bacteria in helping human for smooth digestion. Eli Metchnikoff is a Russian scientist working at Pasteur Institute in Paris that devoted his decades of lives studying this bacteria. I also talk on how Isaac Carasso commercialize yogurt as a healthy food that contains 1001 beneficial for us. Also, yogurt helps in minimizing the risk of getting the symptoms of lactose intolerance where people with this symptoms cannot tolerate dairy products as they lack of lactase enzyme.  You guys can find more on this bacteria in th

E-Portfolio Microbiology II Week 10

Hello people :) In our microbiology class this week, Dr Suriana taught us on recombinant and mutation of DNA and RNA. Recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome. Recombinant DNA in a living organism was first achieved in 1973 by Herbert Boyer, of the University of California at San Francisco, and Stanley Cohen, at Stanford University, who used E. coli restriction enzymes to insert foreign DNA into plasmids. (Source: Wikipedia) DNA mutations are permanent changes in the DNA sequence of a gene. Mutations range in their severity. Some damage the way a cell or whole organism functions, or even cause lethality, while others have no effect. Mutations also range in the amount of DNA altered. They can involve from a single nucleotide up to large segments of chromosomes.

E-Portfolio Microbiology II Week 9

Hi. It is me again, Dodi! This week, we learnt about translation which is the basic process for protein sequencing. Translation involves “decoding” a messenger RNA (mRNA) and using its information to build a polypeptide, or chain of amino acids. For most purposes, a polypeptide is basically just a protein (with the technical difference being that some large proteins are made up of several polypeptide chains). In translation, the codons of an mRNA are read in order (from the 5' end to the 3' end) by molecules called transfer RNAs, or tRNAs. Each tRNA has an anticodon, a set of three nucleotides that binds to a matching mRNA codon through base pairing. The other end of the tRNA carries the amino acid that's specified by the codon. tRNAs bind to mRNAs inside of a protein-and-RNA structure called the ribosome. As tRNAs enter slots in the ribosome and bind to codons, their amino acids are linked to the growing polypeptide chain in a chemical reaction. The end result is

E-Portfolio Microbiology II Week 8

Hello all! How are you guys doing ? So, this week we had learnt something new that happens to be in the branches of Microbial Genetics. As we all know, Microbial Genetics can be separated into several category that includes replication, transcription, translation and recombinant. This week, we learnt more on replication and transcription from Dr Suriana.  Basically,  DNA replication is the process by which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecules. Replication is an essential process because, whenever a cell divides, the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information, or DNA, as the parent cell. The replication process relies on the fact that each strand of DNA can serve as a template for duplication. DNA replication initiates at specific points, called origins, where the DNA double helix is unwound. A short segment of RNA, called a primer, is then synthesized and acts as a starting point for new DNA synthesis. An enzyme

E-Portfolio Microbiology II Week 7

On 30 th April 2018, a group of students from Bachelor of Microbiology has visited Institute of Bioscience, UPM. The purpose of us visiting IBS was to learn more on culture collection as IBS actually provided services on culture collection from all around Malaysia. This services were put under the Microbial Culture Collection Unit or also known as UNiCC where samples from different states in Malaysia were kept and preserved. At 2.50pm, all of the students supervised by Mr. Syazwan and Miss Aina were gathered at Bilik Tongkat Ali Emas for short briefing from Pn. Musliyana Mansur, officer who was in charge of UNiCC. Basically, UNiCC was established on 2008 after the opening of IBS at 1996 where all the researches sample are preserved. UNiCC was initiated in to maintain and manage a duplicate of available microbial strains in UPM. UNiCC also aspires to provide strains for researcher and teaching laboratories. The objectives of UNiCC are to establish and maintain a microbial culture c

E-Portfolio Microbiology II Week 6

This week, we had a visit to Yakult Factory at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. After finishing our lab session on the morning, we straight away rode the bus for one hour trip to Seremban. I personally enjoyed the trip so much as I talked so much during the trip. Oh my goodness, I think others are starting to get annoyed of me lol. Back to the trip, we reached the factory around 2.30pm where we meet Sis Yakult as our instructor. She brought us into the factory and walked us through the processes that happened before a bottle of yakult is placed in the fridge. There are milk procession room, microbiology laboratory, chiller and packaging machines where all the yakult culture milk have to go through. We are not allowed to take photos during the visiting session. The most interesting part of the visit is that we all get one bottle of free yakult milk for free. Yes!!! The culture drinks is so delicious and contain lots of good bacteria which is Lactobacillus casei