E-Portfolio BMY3101 - Week 2

20th September 2017

For this week, I continue to learn about the Introduction to Microbiology.

I learn on how to differentiate the characteristics of  bacteria, archaea, algae, virus and fungi. I also manage to know on several new terms for microbes like :

extremophiles - organisms that can survive extreme condition
methanogens - organisms that produce methane
halophiles - organisms that need salt to survive
thermoacidophiles - organisms that prefer high temperature with high acidity condition

Fun facts : Deinocoocus radiodurans is an extremophilic bacterium, one of the most radiation-resistant organisms known. It can survive cold, dehydration, vacuum, and acid, and is therefore known as a polyextremophile and has been listed as the world's toughest bacterium in The Guinness World Record

I also learn about brief history on how Father of Microbiology discovered 'animalcules' using his handcrafted microscope

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, Father of Microbiology with his microscope


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