E-Portfolio BMY3201 - Experiment 2 & 3

27th September 2017

This week I learned on several techniques for microbes culturing that involve plating, using nutrient broth and agar, also using gelatin.

There are few types of plating such as streak plate method, spread plate method and pour plate method. I managed to practices on doing streak-plate and spread-plate method. For streak-plate method, I learned on how to use inoculation loop by streaking on the agar plate surface. It is quite hard but I think I can improve my techniques in the future. For spread-plate method, we basically use bent glass rod to spread the microbes on the surface of agar plate, but for this technique we use alcohol to sterilize the glass rod which is actually quite harmful as we also use bunser burner for the same experiment. We must practice proper precaution and handle the experiment carefully to avoid any accident. Here is some pictures from this week experiment :

Microorganism sample from toilet sink

E. coli streaking culture


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